Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Beach

I stood facing the clear blue sea
Its waves lapping against my knee
Stretching to infinity ahead of me lie
A vast expanse of a deep blue sky
Blotted by cotton puffs of clouds
While into my mind thoughts did crowd
Soft sand slipping under my feet
Making me lose touch with reality
And as I felt the breeze in my hair
Its turmoil I too did share
The salt spray my face did seek
Chasing my tears down my cheek
And around me the roar of the sea
Echoed the pandemonium in me
Magnifying that beauty of that red sunset
And the peace at that beach which I never felt.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

excellent comparisons!!! reminds me of the one i wrote ages ago. i've fortunately never found myself troubled or sad around a beach, but ur comparisons made me identify with the feelings.